“This conference provided real insight and a balanced view of the
steel industry”. Andrei Koval, SGS Vostok
In spite of the troubled state of the global steel industry, over 200 senior executives came to London to take part in the Adam Smith Institute CIS & CEE Steel Summit.The summit featured keynote presentations from influential players like Bruno Bolfo of Duferco, Alexander Abramov of EvrazHolding and Franz Struzl of Voest-Alpine AG.Major themes for discussion included: I) the growing problem of overcapacity and the impact of quotas and tariffs on the Eastern European steel industry, II) the evolving role of trading companies with the development of e-commerce and a shift away from intermediation towards direct sales, III) the impact of EU accession on the restructuring of the CEE steel industry – can steel keep the accession countries out of the EU?

Authoritative presentations, lively round-table discussions and cocktail receptions in the evenings made for a productive and enjoyable event. The Adam Smith Institute would like to thank everybody who helped make the steel summit such a success and we look forward to seeing you again next year.
“Excellent overview of the ongoing developments in the region”.
Christian Hanzlik, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG